“Margaret’s classes are simply brilliant! If you want to experiment with your voice and expand it, this is the right place. Margaret is an attentive teacher and leads in a sensitive and supportive manner.” — Christina L.

“I really appreciated the close listening that you give all your students, and the embodied active and highly personal approach to voice work. I feel deeply and personally affected by the work, inspired, reminded of what matters to me, and moved in a subconscious world that threw up many dreams connected to my own creative journey and obstacles.” — Becca S.

“(The work) is not about powering through tiring new techniques or screaming your lungs out. It is much more about opening up and listening to what is there.” — Judith B.

“Exploring what's big, what's small, what's strong, what's tender, what's soft, what's subtle, what's deep, what's intense, what's bright, what's dark, what's legato, what's staccato, what's dense, what's light, with Margaret it's unfolding the possibilities of voice and body, it's opening up sensations, feelings and life.” — Anonymous

“I received sensory cues about my voice. I loved these sound journeys into the depths, the spheres of the middle and the heights: I could feel the different qualities of my voice linked to the different places in my body and the different inner experiences. I find it very rich to plunge body and soul into vocal exploration... and also to give a momentary form to all this by tackling songs and presenting them at the end. I feel how much my voice is connected to my life.” — Pascale S.

“Margaret brought something into my conscience that I will never disregard again. Using the voice isn’t about straining it or making weird sounds. It’s about depth, clarity and expression.”  — Jane M.

“A wonderful week that has made a deep impact on me, both as an individual, as a researcher and as an artist. I felt in very safe hands throughout, and able to explore my voice in a supportive, non-judgemental environment.” — Patrick C.

“A pearl in the sea for you to discover the possibilities of the sea of your body and soul through your individual voice, to reconnect yourself with the range of rainbow colours for your art and your personality, while being grounded.”  — Anonymous

“A beautiful discovery of our one and only singing instrument: our body. With Margaret’s continuous and patient research for our real voice with a range which in fact is much wider than I thought, I learned to listen to myself… I learned that the voice does not lie.” — Judith B.

“In my thirty years of learning within creative practice this course goes down as one of those epiphany moments. I feel it has enhanced my development both as a teacher and as an artist. The quality of teaching was of a very high standard.” — Carran W.

“Each student receives feedback and encouragement to match their individual journey of discovery. I was given time and space to explore and at appropriate times I received the gentle encouragement to break out of my comfort zone and take my work to the next level.”  — Stephen B.

“I kept singing all my way home, and my voice was flowing out of my body, as naturally as a large River. It felt powerful and soft at the same time.” — Regine B.

“A wonderful week of vocal and physical exploration. I had quite a few personal vocal revelations and the journey continues of course.” — Jane V.

“It was quite amazing how Margaret was able to understand our voices, just by simply listening to them. My voice felt like it had been expanded by the end of the session as well as being clearer. I began to understand just how important the breath is in vocal work, and life in general.” — Jane M.

“The safe and peaceful setting gave me a freedom to fail and it made my own research very honest and intense. ... I feel inspired to continue my way as an artist - on stage and off stage.” — Judith B.