Margaret Pikes is the co-author, with Dr. Patrick Campbell of “Owning our Voices: Vocal Discovery in the Wolfsohn - Hart Tradition” published by Routledge, in their Vocal Studies Series.

Photo © Susanne Duddeck. With permission. All rights reserved.



Margaret has developed her approach to vocal exploration through her training with Roy Hart, who in turn based his work on the pioneering research of Alfred Wolfsohn. Wolfsohn was a survivor of the first World War who became an innovative and radical voice teacher, after voice and song had been central to his own recovery from the traumas of that war.

Our voices provide us with one of our most basic means for expression and communication. The production of vocal sound is a complex phenomenon involving not only physiological processes but also the world of emotions and instincts. The roots of the human voice are based in the body and in the spirit. Exploring these sources can reveal often surprisingly powerful vocal colours, textures and dynamics. Making them conscious can bring a feeling of greater empowerment and so to the development of a deeper engagement with life.

This is why Margaret speaks of "Owning our voices."

Photo © Ivan Midderigh. With permission. All rights reserved.


A Roy Hart Theatre Founding Member, whose first seven years of training were under the guidance of Roy Hart himself

One of the founder members of Roy Hart Theatre, Margaret Pikes has developed her approach to the practice and teaching of vocal exploration in the Wolfsohn-Hart tradition for over fifty years.

After participating in most of the early Roy Hart Theatre productions, Margaret continued as a professional singer of many genres including experimental music, jazz and chanson française. 

She lived and worked for six years in Togo, West Africa, singing regularly there with the jazz trio Anima.

She continues to give individual lessons online and at the Roy Hart Centre in Malérargues and to lead intermediate and advanced level workshops.

Photo © Ivan Midderigh. With permission. All rights reserved.


Group classes

In her group classes Margaret works with structured exercises and with group and individual improvisations. Beginning with a short physical warm up, students are then invited to explore and develop:

  • Full and deep breathing

  • The voice’s roots in sung, spoken and preverbal sound

  • The dynamic sources of the voice in the body and in the imagination

  • Vocal sound and its connection with movement in space

  • Listening actively to others

  • Learning some easy songs with 3 or 4 simple harmony parts

Individual lessons

When working in a 1-2-1 context Margaret is guided by the individual student’s voice and presence.

She often follows certain scenarios as a guide, based on her fifty years of experience, but the work flows from listening, from creative exchange and improvisation.

More information is available in her book with its accompanying short films “Owning our Voices: Vocal Discovery in the Wolfsohn - Hart Tradition” published by Routledge and written with Dr Patrick Campbell.


5-6 October 2024

Margaret will lead this workshop with Kate Hilder, Feldenkrais teacher and performer.

A weekend workshop exploring movement, voice, language and song with in the beautiful surroundings of the Jurassic Coast.

To enrol please contact Kate Hilder at

For more information please see here.

Photo © Kate Hilder. All rights reserved.



  • “A beautiful discovery of our one and only singing instrument: our body. ”

    — Judith B.

  • “Margaret brought something into my conscience that I will never disregard again. Using the voice isn’t about straining it or making weird sounds. It’s about depth, clarity and expression.”

    — Jane M.

  • “A wonderful week that has made a deep impact on me, both as an individual, as a researcher and as an artist. I felt in very safe hands throughout.”

    — Patrick C.

For further information or to book a lesson…

Photo © Ivan Midderigh 2024. All rights reserved.

From the Roy Hart Theatre photographic archives. Published with permission.